Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Famous Trifle Bowl

Here is a little Christmas story about a Trifle Bowl!

Made in 1930's this little Trifle Bowl was spotted by Mrs Nostalgic Kitchen at an auction in Snettisham Norfolk.  The set comprised big bowl with 6 small bowls.  This little set sat unwanted on the website for 6 months and started to feel very unloved despite Mrs Nostalgic's kind words of reassurance!

Then one day Mrs Nostalgic received an email from Country Homes & Interiors magazine asking to borrow the set for a photo shoot for the magazine.  Carefully wrapped and full of anticipation the Trifle set made it's way in the post to stardom!

One sad day Mrs Nostalgic received a phone call from a Kitchen fitters to say they had received a parcel that was meant to be for The Nostalgic Kitchen.  When Mrs Nostalgic picked up the parcel it was the returned set and lots of the small bowls were broken!!

Undeterred Mrs Nostalgic took the chipped big bowl and 3 small bowls to a fair as she knew how beautiful they were.  Again no one showed any interested in the damaged set!  Two of the remaining small bowls broke in transit and the big bowl cracked beyond repair!!!!!

One small bowl remained.........And then the January 2013 edition of Country Homes & Interiors Magazine came out.

On page 117 there was the little small bowl full of yummy trifle as famous as famous can be!!!! 

Mrs Nostalgic did not want to risk losing the last of the beautiful Trifle Bowls and so kept it in her special cupboard to retire happily with all her other treasures.
And so the story has a happy ending......Merry Christmas everyone xxx

Wednesday, 5 December 2012


Yay!  It's nearly Christmas and I'm all warm and fuzzy inside.  I wrapped pressies last night and am listening to Neil Diamond's Cherry Christmas CD while I write this!!  He's starting to look old - well aren't we all!

Bought Christmas fudge ingredients today to make fudge for neighbours ( will post recipe at a later date - very easy) and have even starting buying nibbles for my retro cocktail Christmas bar!

Got this little cracker on eBay and have been stocking up with booze and have got all retro bar equipment needed for a right retro knees up!  Mum & Dad don't know about it yet.  It's going to be a Christmas surprise.  Makes a change from doing a jigsaw!

Been busy with the online shop and fairs and antique centre this week making everything look festive and enticing!  I've created gift vouchers to use on my online shop and at my fairs which I'm excited about....whether anyone will buy one or not remains to be seen but I'm crossing everything.  I've introduced a loyalty points scheme on my online shop as well to encourage repeat visits...again everything crossed.
Yay!! It's nearly Christmas xxxx

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Downstairs at Downtown Abbey & Spreading the Joy!

33 days to go till Christmas everyone!!!  I'm always so excited about Christmas and like to start spreading the joy as early as possible.  I've been working really hard to make The Nostalgic Kitchen Christmassy from all angles.  I spent all day yesterday decorating my space at the antiques centre making it full of sugar and spice and all things nice!  I was so proud of my little area when I left and hope it inspires people to buy some nostalgic kitchen bits to take home and make it look all festive!  Here are some pictures......


 When I got home I finished putting all the stock I had been collecting for ages that was of the right age to fit in with my Downtown Abbey section on my online shop.  So many people love Downtown and I thought it would be a nice thing to do for Christmas to have a section dedicated to all kitchenalia inspired by Downtown Abbey's kitchen.  'Downstairs at Downtown' has a mixture of items dating from 1900 - 1920's.  It was not easy to gather such items but I think there is enough there to get people excited.
I now have gift vouchers available to buy for use on my online shop which I'm quite excited about!  I'm excited about everything I know!!!!  If you would like to receive a £5 gift voucher for www.thenostalgickitchen.co.uk then all you have to do is comment below and I will contact you to get your address and send you one.  So easy! and yes I am generous at Christmas!!


Monday, 5 November 2012

Yummy Winter Pudding!

I love cooking!  My love of cooking and all things vintage explain my company The Nostalgic Kitchen I suppose!  Anyway I'm so busy nowadays that I don't have much time for proper baking.  I cook our tea and that's it!  Anyway I made time yesterday to make a yummy winter pudding for my family. I only remembered to take a photo of it when we had already tucked in but I think you can get the idea from the photo.

Marmalade Bakewell Tart
I got the recipe from Country Living Magazine.  Sweet pastry base baked blind then spread with marmalade and topped with an orange bakewell mixture of 175g butter, 175g sugar, 2 eggs, orange zest, 175g ground almonds and 50g self raising flour.  It took 30 mins in the oven at 180 and you had to sprinkle flaked almonds on top half way through cooking.  I was supposed to dust with icing sugar before serving but we forgot as I'd got warm think custard and thick clotted cream on the table and we just had to dive in!  It was really yummy and I think the recipe could be adapted to so many different flavours.  Lemon curd with lemon zest, cherry, blackcurrant, strawberry and even chocolate orange!  I wish I had more time for baking.  I've written to Father Christmas and asked him for some more time for Christmas!
Find all you need to bake your own yummy winter pudding at www.thenostalgickitchen.co.uk

Monday, 29 October 2012

Fun at the Auction!

I love going to auctions!  I love the adrenalin rush you get when the item you are interested in approaches. You find the nerve to hold your number up and bid for your treasure hoping that by some miraculous chance you will be the only one that appreciates its charm and value!  The first item I ever bid on was a shabby chic bureau and I got it for £1!!  At that auction you didn't have a number you just shouted your name out..."Mrs Smart"  I shouted and the auctioneer replied "you certainly are".  I felt like I'd been accepted into the world of bidding and I was off!!  My husband and I go often and always come back with something we need or don't need!
A couple of weeks ago we went to an auction that was selling off items from a Heritage Museum that was closing down.  We took two vans and our 3 dogs and my mum's dog that was staying with us for the weekend. Loaded with our pack up and dogs pack up we set off to find some bargains. I just couldn't help myself bidding for everything.  My husband kept tapping his pen around the circled running total I had spent to try and calm me down but it didn't work! We won some real gems and I have spent the last couple of weeks cleaning and admiring everything.  My two favourite items were a 1940's Boiler Washer called the Dean and a 1930's Washing Machine with a mangle over the top.
Oh and the 1950's mangle, wooden airers and vintage irons are pretty cool as well!!
I got lots of kitchenalia to add to my Downtown Abbey section that I am creating on my online shop www.thenostalgickitchen.co.uk.  I'm hoping to launch this line on my shop in the next two weeks and I'm so excited at what I've managed to collect so far. The items date from 1914-1920's and it has not been an easy task. 
Keep an eye on this blog and my website www.thenostalgickitchen.co.uk for updates on the exciting Downtown Abbey section.
In the meantime if you want to order anything on the shop for under £10 this week mention this blog for a full refund of your postage.
Off to Norfolk in a couple of weeks for an auction fest and hope to come back with even more treasures to share with my vintage loving cooks.
Love Nostalgic Vicky x

Monday, 22 October 2012

Magazine Exposure!!!

Another week starts and last week finished with a bang!  We went to a fabulous auction on Saturday and picked up some amazing pieces as it was an auction selling off items from a heritage museum!  Sunday took me to Oundle for a lovely fair and then the final excitement was finding out that The Kibworth Antiques Centre had a fabulous write up in the weekend magazine in the Leicester Mercury.  The Nostalgic Kitchen section was mentioned several times and the main article was taken up with a huge picture of my area!!  I am so proud.

Im so excited to see what this week will bring as I am getting ready to go to Vintage Street in Lichfield on Saturday.  An event not to be missed!!
Vintage music, vintage cars, vintage treasures, vintage clothes, vintage loveliness. 
See ya there!!!
For my blog readers that check in each week for discounts on my website email me info@thenostalgickitchen.co.uk for a personal discount this week.

Monday, 15 October 2012

I Love My Logo

I am very lucky to have a very talented friend who is a graphic designer and who has created me the most wonderful logo to add a more professional look to my business.
Most of my stock is 1940's and 1950's and I wanted to create that feel with my logo.  My friend took an enamel teapot that I had and after much discussion about lettering and style came up with this fabulous design.
I have put my logo on the side of that very same teapot that was used for the design and put it pride of place in my unit at Kibworth Antiques Centre.
I now need to order some business cards and stationary as well to fully brand my little business!  The big question is do I put my logo on the side of my van?
This weeks offer on my online shop www.thenostalgickitchen.co.uk is a free surprise gift when you mention my blog at the checkout when purchasing any item.
If you are reading this blog please leave me a comment as I'd love to hear from you. 
Love Nostalgic Vicky

Monday, 8 October 2012

Country Homes & Interiors Magazine

OOOOhhhhhhhh so excited that treasures from my shop are being used in not only the Christmas edition of Country Homes & Interiors Magazine but also the February issue!  The design editor and stylist contacted me a few months ago and borrowed some items for the Christmas edition photo shoot and then this week I have again lent them some items for the February edition.  Does that make me famous????????

They borrowed a strange mix of items and I'm very intrigued to see how they use them.

I'm constantly checking the shelves in the newsagents now to see if the Christmas edition has come out yet.  If you see it give me a shout!!!

Again this week if you mention my blog at the checkout of www.thenostalgickitchen.co.uk when purchasing any item under £10 and I'll refund your postage!  Come on have a look....I'm famous

Monday, 1 October 2012

The Nostalgic Kitchen at Kibworth Antiques

I'm so very very excited that The Nostalgic Kitchen will be having a space at Kibworth Antiques centre, Leicestershire.  The centre is a new venture and The Nostalgic Kitchen is so pleased to be involved from the beginning.
I went along as soon as I heard about it and chose my space.  Not an easy task but I decided to go next to the coffee shop as I thought people may glance across at my items whilst sipping on their drinks!
I began by putting a couple of kitchen units in and wall racks up.
I really wanted to maximise my area by going up as well.  The port hole windows in the two doors add a fab retro look to the space.  It was starting to look good but I wanted to soften the doors and windows without blocking out the light and so added little cafe curtains at the top. 
After many hours compiling stock to go in the unit I finally took all my treasures there and my very clever friends helped me with the visual merchandising! - Placing bits in position where it attracts the customer to you and me!! 



I've still got loads of room so am taking some more bits over on Wednesday and am going to price everything up.  The Grand opening day for the whole centre is this Saturday 6th Oct 10-4pm. I'll be there in my pinny and head scarf welcoming everyone.

If you are a regular blog reader visit my online shop www.thenostalgickitchen.co.uk and treat yourself to a little kitchen treasure for under £5 and I will refund your postage.  All you have to do is mention this blog in the section 'Where did you hear about us?'  

Monday, 24 September 2012

Susie Cooper My Inspiration

My mother in law offered me the choice of two family tea sets to use, keep, display.  I instantly fell in love with the wonderful cups & saucers in the Gardenia pattern by the treasured ceramics designer Susie Cooper. 


My collection grew and grew and is still growing.  It lives in a large victorian glass fronted dresser in our dining room and although my most treasured possesions, we use our Susie Cooper china and enjoy it.  I don't use it for everyday but I use it when people come round for dinner.  I love serving up my vegetables in a beautiful tureen and having matching dinner plates, side plates and cups & saucers. 

I am now fascinated with all things Susie Cooper.  Born in 1902 she is one of the most important figures in the history of 20th century pottery and a truely astonishing woman. She designed an array of styles and her career lasted from 1920's to the 1980's.  She revolutionalised commercial ceramics in Britain, creating everyday tableware that was modern, stylish, practical and affordable.

The Queen Mother presented her with an Obe and confided that her first Tea Set had been a Susie Cooper.  It is rumoured that 'Glen Mist' is used at Sandringham.  A 1920's Tea Set can be worth well in excess of £1,000 today.  I often put the odd special piece of Susie Cooper for sale on my online shop www.thenostalgickitchen.co.uk. I currently have some Susie Cooper Dresden Spray cups & saucers and a gravy boat in the same design for sale for some lucky customer.

My collection of Susie Cooper introduced me to the world of vintage and inspired me to create my website.  Today is Monday and it is special blog reader discount day for my online shop www.thenostalgickitchen.co.uk.  Enter the voucher code 9797 at the checkout when purchasing more than one item and receive 25% discount on the cheapest item.

Enjoy, Nostalgic Vicky xx

Monday, 17 September 2012

The Nostalgic Kitchen Blog Discount

Hip Hip Horrrraahhhh it's time for my first blog exclusive discount for items purchased on my website www.thenostalgickitchen.co.uk 
It's so exciting! 
Just enter the code 170912 when you reach the checkout to receive an exclusive blog reader 10% discount on your order total.
I have decided to offer a special discount or giveaway every Monday on my blog.  As well as these fantastic offers I will be writing about all things kitchenalia for all fans of vintage kitchenware.
Recipes, facts, stories and inspiring ideas to help you enjoy your very own Nostalgic Kitchen.

Next Week I will be writing about Susie Cooper and how my collection of her china inspired me to set up my website www.thenostalgickitchen.co.uk

Monday, 20 August 2012

My Signature Dish

My friend Cherry asked me the other day what my signature dish is!  Someone who loves cooking, has an online shop selling kitchenalia and who would be the first person my friends would say had perfected a signature dish - does not have a signature dish!! Ahh
Well I think I should.  I'm good at lots of dishes and useless at others!  I've narrowed it down to the following that I am good at and always proud of when I serve it.

Plum Jam - Not really a dish is it?

Tray Meringue with mixed berries and creme fraiche - easy and boring

Beef Bourguignon

Stuffed Cabbage Leaves - Probably my best dish - really yummy

So having put it in writing I actually think that Stuffed Cabbage Leaves is my signature dish however that sounds very unappealing if anyone asks!!!  If any of my friends that have sampled any of the above that I have made them maybe you can comment!
Going to get my friends and family to tell me what they think and am determined to have a signature dish declared by the end of the month!!
Love Nostalgic Vicky

Monday, 6 August 2012

Vintage Amateur Photography

Oh my word I have been shown how to put special effects onto your photos which will change my photos forever!!!!  We went round to some fabulous friends for drinks on Friday night and spent most of the evening swapping clever apps from our phones.  As a Vintage lover and seller of Kitchenalia some of these apps are a godsend!!  'Vintage Camera' and 'Camera Art Fx' change your photos and give them an effect.  I went around my kitchen taking photos and trying out all the effects and here are the results....

My Log burner in my kitchen with a vintage tinge.

Egg cups on my dresser with a watercolour effect

Scales on my worktop with a poster effect

My glasses on the worktop with a vintage effect

 Cannisters with a comic book style

 Me in a blurry retro effect

 My stall at Olney on Saturday looking very old!!!

 My Humphrey in the Kitchen as a line drawing.

So so clever and add interest, depth and change the era of the photo in just one small click! Whatever next??
Love Nostalgic Vicky xx

Monday, 16 July 2012

Jumble Sales vs Carboot Sales

I am not ashamed to admit I am addicted to Carboot sales!!  It is the only thing that will make me leap out of bed at some godforsaken hour and snap into action.  Off I trot with my pull along trolley and search for treasures.  You can get anything at my local carboot sale from washing up sponges to plants to clothes.  Some people carefully lay out their unwanted items on tables covered in tablecloths and others just empty their car out onto a blanket on the floor and everyone dives in.  It is the rummage that reminds me of the old fashioned jumble sale and what leads me to think that the carboot sale is the modern day jumble sale.

I love having a good root around to see if I can discover something wonderful - one man's junk is another man's treasure!!  Carboot sales are just jumble sales on a much larger scale.  The jumble sale was usually made up of donations and items sold for a cause however the carboot sale is solely for each individual.  Whatever the reason behind either sale I love them both and that you can come home with great finds.

I am selling at a Jumble Sale on Saturday and I intend to really enter into the traditional spirit of the sale.  I am going to put my things on my stall to allow people to rummage and have a good sort through. I am going to make each item £1 and hopefully everyone will experience the thrill of the jumble/carboot sale.