Tuesday, 20 September 2011

My first Musings!!!

Hello all, Nostalgic Vicky here broadcasting to the world for the first time in my new blog!!  How exciting.  My main reason for wanting to do a blog is so that I can link it with my online shop http://www.thenostalgickitchen.co.uk/ and build my business up so that I can be at home more with my doggies and not go out all day to work and leave them!!!  I have been following lots of lovely blogs for a while and really enjoy reading what like minded people are up to so hopefully someone will feel the same way about my blog!!  My blog will be all about my progress with my shop, nostalgic things in general, epsecially kitchenware, my lovely life in Leicestershire and my wonderful holidays in North Norfolk.  Start of something exciting for me and I hope people join me on the journey. Nostalgic Vicky x

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