Wednesday, 5 February 2014

The Nostalgic Scullery

The Nostalgic Scullery has arrived at Kibworth Antiques Centre and is jam packed with treasures for all our existing Nostalgic Kitchen fans.....

In contrast with the bright 1950's colours of The Nostalgic Kitchen, The Nostalgic Scullery has older items dating from 1910 that have earthy colours and a real rustic feeling.

The walls are tiled on one side with two long shelves above made from scaffolding planks. The wall is painted behind the shelves in Autentico Linen paint supplied by a fellow trader West Barn Country Interiors who sells a full range of these gorgeous paints at the centre.

We have a lovely cast iron stove backing on to brick wallpapered wall.

The Nostalgic Scullery specialises in wash boards, ironing boards, sheilas maids, baskets, enamel and beautiful antique scullery tables and furniture.

The Nostalgic Scullery and The Nostalgic Kitchen are open now at Kibworth Antiques Centre,
 19 Harborough Road, Kibworth, LE8 0RB,  
0116 2793386
Tues - Sat 10- 5pm Sun 11-5pm